Images by Matt Morrow, Iona O'Neill & Tom Dodd




MPAGB - What is it?

The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) is a membership organisation that co-ordinates activities for
photographic Clubs in England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland (including the Channel Islands and Isle of Man)
through 15 geographical Federations, of which the NWPA is one.
Within their scheme of Awards for Photographic Merit (APMs) their third award is Master of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain and is held for life, a holder being entitled to insert the letters MPAGB after their name. The APMs are only open to members of Clubs affiliated to the PAGB through their Federations and they must have been an active member of an affiliated Club for a minimum of 5 years for MPAGB. It necessary to already be a holder of the DPAGB for at least 11 months in order to apply for the MPAGB.
Submissions are assessed at least twice a year by 6 assessors selected from the PAGB list of judges. Applicants may attend if they wish unless it is one of the occasional, closed "catch-up" sessions.
Each application will be assessed as individual pieces of work and should consist of the following: 20 monochrome prints or digital images OR 20 colour prints or digital images OR a mixture of 20 monochrome and colour prints or digital images - it cannot contain a combination of prints and digital images, it's either one or the other.
The standard required is summarised thus: “Highest standard of UK Amateur Photography: photographs which would enjoy a very considerable level of success in International Exhibitions, including consistent and frequent acceptances.”
Cost is a one-off £120 (2018), no annual subscription is required.
Further details are to be found on the PAGB website.
Applications must be made through the current NWPA Awards Officer: Phil Chadwick.

Info to follow....